Friday, August 28, 2009

Sociological Mindfulness and YOU

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explains the progression of Human society. Civilizations are classified into Type 0, 1, 2, and 3. We are currently a Type 0 civilization. If you're interested, google it. He has YouTube videos for those who can't be bothered with a book. But anyways,

Sociological mindfulness is vital in the progress of Human society. Progress as a civilization is defendant on more than progress in science and medicine. Humans themselves must progress, both as individuals and as a group. We have survived due to individual ingenuity, but on the evolutionary scale, humans have existed for only a moment. Imagine the life of the Earth as a fingernail. The material that comes off from running a file against the nail but once represents the life of Humans on Earth.

If we hope to survive on a galactic level, we must learn to think as a society as opposed to concerning ourselves with individual interests. Seriously, think long-term.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Who Am I?

I'm somebody who likes to live in the now. While the future concerns me and I make accommodations for it, I try to enjoy life in the present as much as possible. At the same time, I'm a meticulous planner. It sounds contradictory, but I pull it off. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and moved to the U.S. with my mother and older sister when I was four. In the future, I have no idea what I'll be doing and I don't think that's a problem at this stage. I do want to go to U of I.

I work at Cosi as a barista. I'm also a baker. I make bread. It's awesome! My co-workers are borderline retarded and I'm expected to always smile at customers and ask them how they're doing. I don't do that out of principle because I refuse to ask someone how they are when I genuinely couldn't care less. It's just illogical and we're brainwashed into believing that it's polite. And people get weirded out when you don't constantly smile, especially when you're the cashier. I'm at work and it's early. Why would I be standing there grinning? To me, it would look odd for somebody to be happy to be at their minimum wage job on a Saturday morning, in that stupid hat that makes my hair poke my eyeballs and the stupid tucked in shirt.

Well, we've got some space to kill, so...
About me...
I'm seventeen in a week. I like to snowboard. I like music. I like chilling and enjoying life, living it to the fullest and all that jazz.
The bell just rang so I'm out,