Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dove Commercials - Self Image

I like what the Dove commercials are doing with promoting healthy self-image for females. When the models in the ads aren't even real people, you know that something is wrong. The face and body models in some commercials are so heavily altered that you literally could not find the same person in the world as in that ad.

Firstly, this sets unrealistic standards for gullible girls and women to try and reach. They then assume that they can reach those standards by purchasing the products being advertised. And obviously, the models most likely don't even use the products themselves. Just like when a celebrity is on T.V. talking about his "favorite" cereal. Meanwhile, the marketers are laughing all the way to the bank because they don't care who they hurt as long as they get paid.

And I don't blame them; it's their job. The take home point is that people need to educate themselves and realize that the law puts very few restrictions on what can and can not be said and shown in advertisements. People also need to realize that some people, including many celebrities, will do nearly anything if enough money is offered to them. Just like Michael Jordan says that he wears Hanes just because they pay him for it, models most often are promoting products for money and not because the products worked for them. And half of those models aren't even real people. They now have animated runway models. How crazy is that?

Also, models were never intentionally intended to represent the ideal physique. Fashion designers needed a canvas on which to present their creations and basically chose people who resemble clothing hangers. People need to realize this and stop looking up to people just because they are on T.V. or an magazine ad.


  1. I agree media does send unrealistic messages, but people do need to realize that. I also agree that celebs and models do wear or use those products to promote and it's their job and it doesnt necesarily mean that it works.

    I really liked your blog, especially the last paragraph, I found it interesting.

  2. I agree with the article for the most part but disagree when you said that models were never intended to look like the ideal physique. I think that companies choose these people yes because the clothing design will look good, but also because there is an implicit message that explains how you have to look in order to be happy.
