Thursday, November 5, 2009

Aikido: The Way of Harmony of Energy

I thought that what Sal told us about Aikido very interesting. It really clicked when he showed an example using Jimmy as a mock attacker. I think that the basic principles of this martial art can be applied to everyday life. In Aikido, you use the negative energy of your attacker against them. While your own power may be limited, and not sufficient in overpowering your opponent, your opponent's own power is surely enough to overpower him, and drain him of his negative energy.

When you encounter a negative or difficult situation in life, you could, and sometimes should, try to face it head on; but you'll often be overpowered. But if you learn to manipulate situations in your favor, life becomes much easier. Basically, this is taking an advanced look on a "glass half full" mentality. This goes to show how some martial arts go far beyond the physical aspects and impact your entire life and how you live it.


  1. I thought it was really cool to that he attacked through defense, maybe it should be taught in UFC.

  2. Artem,

    it is very interesting. you should check it out - it becomes applicable to all aspects of life. There's a book called Aikido And The New Warrior which is about how to apply aikido to all sorts of life situations like relationships, animals, wrestling, basketball, etc...
